Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008): 2x12
The Mandalore Plot
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Alarming rumors about the peace-abiding Duchess Satine of Mandalore prompt Obi-Wan to investigate the secluded planet. Satine wants to keep Mandalore neutral in the Clone Wars, but the actions of a violent splinter group — Death Watch — threaten to push the planet towards war.
- 2 - 1Holocron Heist 02. Oct, 2009
- 2 - 2Cargo of Doom 02. Oct, 2009
- 2 - 3Children of the Force 09. Oct, 2009
- 2 - 4Senate Spy 16. Oct, 2009
- 2 - 5Landing at Point Rain 04. Nov, 2009
- 2 - 6Weapons Factory 13. Nov, 2009
- 2 - 7Legacy of Terror 20. Nov, 2009
- 2 - 8Brain Invaders 04. Dec, 2009
- 2 - 9Grievous Intrigue 01. Jan, 2010
- 2 - 10The Deserter 01. Jan, 2010
- 2 - 11Lightsaber Lost 22. Jan, 2010
- 2 - 12The Mandalore Plot 29. Jan, 2010
- 2 - 13Voyage of Temptation 05. Feb, 2010
- 2 - 14Duchess of Mandalore 12. Feb, 2010
- 2 - 15Senate Murders 19. Mar, 2010
- 2 - 16Cat and Mouse 26. Mar, 2010
- 2 - 17Bounty Hunters 02. Apr, 2010
- 2 - 18The Zillo Beast 09. Apr, 2010
- 2 - 19The Zillo Beast Strikes Back 16. Apr, 2010
- 2 - 20Death Trap 23. Apr, 2010
- 2 - 21R2 Come Home 30. Apr, 2010
- 2 - 22Lethal Trackdown 30. Apr, 2010
Translatenya telat woiiiii
obi wan sama satine lucu bet jirr, sayang mokad
semuanya emg pada wholesome bjir, tpi pas order 66 jd pd hancur 🙁
Kuncinya ada di anakin sih kata gw,, dia kalau ga ke darkside, masih bisa ada trio sama ahsoka, obi wan after the fall of the jedi
iya cokkk biar ga tragis tragis amat
menurut gw star wars og itu g happy ending walaupun darth vader sama palpatine mokad, para og keren kayak obiwan sama yoda dll ikut mokad juga, terus si mc kayak anaakin juga udah lama bad end, padme mokad, clones juga pada kepisah. hell nah
kayaknya emg sengaja biar kayak ngasih spotlight ke new gen kayak luke sama leia, han solo etc. tapi juga mereka smw sama anjr, mokad di tangan musuh/betrayal
yaaa aslinya bad/tragic end starwars tuh, entah sekuel ato mau prekuelnya… cuman pembawaannya heroic jadi ga ngeh kadang kita nontonnya kalau itu messed up brooo, gg sih. gw paling suka worldbuildingnya. emang ga salah ini sw saga ter epik
sehabis baca2 di bawah. emang palingg bener pas mendekat ending, kita baca au starwars aja